Covid 19 did its part to split us all up. Now we are meeting again, via the virtual world. We do Google Meet, Teams, Zello, Skype, ... We prefer Google Meet though due to its simplicity and versatility. So. What's up? We do not use any Facebook products, so here you have to write to us, and surely we will write back.
Regular Club Meeting
We are located formally in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark. We already span 5 nations of members, and we are growing. We intend to become a multi lingual, multi country, multi ethnical group of professionals in the renewable energy industry.
We are currently industrial designers, IT professionals, Tree planters, Investors, Administrators, Accountants, and plain ol' normal people who just want to support us and back us up.
We are particularly looking for professionals in the CO2 harvesting sector, as we have some members who are interested in harvesting the CO2 benefits from their renewable products such that they can pump these back to their cients in form of rebates and discounts. A very honourable way of doing it.
We are also looking for web-developers and app-developers in native.